Free CorbinFisher gay porn video
Video provided by: CorbinFisher
Video description: I really feel like I risk being redundant because I�ve said this before, but Marc�s enthusiasm is off the charts! He was away from CF for a while, but returned with an energy and passion that is nothing short of remarkable. Here, we see that energy and enthusiasm unleashed with Aiden - a stud that�s able to perfectly match up with Marc on the energy and enthusiasm front - for an episode that is beyond hot! With these two guys each being so profoundly eager and horny, there was no way we could even attempt to limit things to one guy fucking the other. Instead, we let Marc and Aiden have it every which way they wanted, resulting in each of these guys taking turns pounding the other, and each of these guys taking turns getting a hard dick slamming away at their holes!
Starring: Aiden (CF), Marc (CF)
Duration: 02:10 min
Download as: MP4 (22 MB)
Video description: I really feel like I risk being redundant because I�ve said this before, but Marc�s enthusiasm is off the charts! He was away from CF for a while, but returned with an energy and passion that is nothing short of remarkable. Here, we see that energy and enthusiasm unleashed with Aiden - a stud that�s able to perfectly match up with Marc on the energy and enthusiasm front - for an episode that is beyond hot! With these two guys each being so profoundly eager and horny, there was no way we could even attempt to limit things to one guy fucking the other. Instead, we let Marc and Aiden have it every which way they wanted, resulting in each of these guys taking turns pounding the other, and each of these guys taking turns getting a hard dick slamming away at their holes!
Starring: Aiden (CF), Marc (CF)
Duration: 02:10 min
Download as: MP4 (22 MB)
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