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Free SeanCody gay porn video

Free SeanCody video. Download now !
Video provided by: SeanCody
Video description: “This is going to be the first time I get to top here!” Tate laughed. “Weird…aren’t you a huge bottom?” I asked “Yeah, but I have to mix it up a bit!” Tate was up for the challenge and really went for it while all Sean could do was sit back and take it. These two fuck like normal until the last position where out of nowhere they both get a little dirty. “Something took over me, I really wanted him to choke me and spit in my mouth. It’s hot as fuck!” Sean said with a shit-eating grin on his face. There really are some great cum shots for this film and you can tell that Tate really liked being able to top and clearly Sean loved taking it. Filming these guys together was a lot of fun. They both had a lot of chemistry and even spent some time going out after the shoot was over. “Did you get into any trouble?” I asked “Yes!” They both laughed and answered with huge smiles on their faces.

Duration: 02:48 min
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