Free FreshMen (KA) gay porn video
Video provided by: FreshMen (KA)
Video description: Cock and Bull stories are stories based loosely on truth but wildly exaggerated. When the boys travel they return with some crazy stories which are entertaining to hear about even if they don�t correspond well to actual events. Here Jack, Adam and Andre tell a �Cock and Balls� story of their tryst with Dario while Kevin was in Dallas, Texas having his Fleshjack made. Thus Kevin finds himself returning from the Longhorn State greeted by four other �longhorns� as the boys have a rematch with Dario- this time including Kevin.
Starring: Jack Harrer, Dario Dolce, Adam Archuleta, Kevin Warhol, Andre Boleyn
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
Video description: Cock and Bull stories are stories based loosely on truth but wildly exaggerated. When the boys travel they return with some crazy stories which are entertaining to hear about even if they don�t correspond well to actual events. Here Jack, Adam and Andre tell a �Cock and Balls� story of their tryst with Dario while Kevin was in Dallas, Texas having his Fleshjack made. Thus Kevin finds himself returning from the Longhorn State greeted by four other �longhorns� as the boys have a rematch with Dario- this time including Kevin.
Starring: Jack Harrer, Dario Dolce, Adam Archuleta, Kevin Warhol, Andre Boleyn
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
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