Free FreshMen (KA) gay porn video
Video provided by: FreshMen (KA)
Video description: It is a question that has plagued mankind since time immemorial and debated by philosophers for generations. That question is, of course, what constitutes a scene opening? Every fan director and actor seems to have a different take. With Adam the answer is easy: whatever is the quickest way to get his partner into the nearest free bedroom (with Adam all it usually takes is his smile). Now maybe he�ll get him to work on the meaning of life.
Starring: Adam Archuleta, Claude Sorel
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
Video description: It is a question that has plagued mankind since time immemorial and debated by philosophers for generations. That question is, of course, what constitutes a scene opening? Every fan director and actor seems to have a different take. With Adam the answer is easy: whatever is the quickest way to get his partner into the nearest free bedroom (with Adam all it usually takes is his smile). Now maybe he�ll get him to work on the meaning of life.
Starring: Adam Archuleta, Claude Sorel
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
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