Free FreshMen (KA) gay porn video
Video provided by: FreshMen (KA)
Video description: Tender and intense, bright and funny, sensual and seductive, sometimes silly, and occasionally crazy. All this and more comprise the many looks of Helmut. You saw a different look from him in last month�s photo-session video, another look for the cover image, and you�ll see a third in the following video. But in all his looks, even the foolish ones (perhaps it is our 36 year age difference that makes me feel that way sometimes), there is always an underlying, undeniable sexiness. In fact, I consider him the sexiest of the new crop of boys. I�m sure you will enjoy watching him develop and mature in front of the cameral. I shall tell you much more about him in upcoming editions.
Starring: Helmut Huxley
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
Video description: Tender and intense, bright and funny, sensual and seductive, sometimes silly, and occasionally crazy. All this and more comprise the many looks of Helmut. You saw a different look from him in last month�s photo-session video, another look for the cover image, and you�ll see a third in the following video. But in all his looks, even the foolish ones (perhaps it is our 36 year age difference that makes me feel that way sometimes), there is always an underlying, undeniable sexiness. In fact, I consider him the sexiest of the new crop of boys. I�m sure you will enjoy watching him develop and mature in front of the cameral. I shall tell you much more about him in upcoming editions.
Starring: Helmut Huxley
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
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