Free FreshMen (KA) gay porn video
Video provided by: FreshMen (KA)
Video description: It was rather difficult to select the premiere scene for Hoyt. His early scenes are from the period where he was still chubby and his hair was close cropped and his overall look was substantially different than it is now. He then had a period where he couldn�t bottom for a couple of months and in between then someone broke his nose, and the list goes on. As a little compromise we selected a scene from a shoot in Cape Town with Claude Sorel which we believe will satisfy your expectations. GD: I know that many of you were expecting to see a scene with Hoyt and Adam Archuleta, which has already been shot. It is however part of our remake of Greek Holiday so you will need to be a little patient. Filming is about 60% done and we have one more trip over to Greece this summer to finish it off.
Starring: Danny Defoe
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
Video description: It was rather difficult to select the premiere scene for Hoyt. His early scenes are from the period where he was still chubby and his hair was close cropped and his overall look was substantially different than it is now. He then had a period where he couldn�t bottom for a couple of months and in between then someone broke his nose, and the list goes on. As a little compromise we selected a scene from a shoot in Cape Town with Claude Sorel which we believe will satisfy your expectations. GD: I know that many of you were expecting to see a scene with Hoyt and Adam Archuleta, which has already been shot. It is however part of our remake of Greek Holiday so you will need to be a little patient. Filming is about 60% done and we have one more trip over to Greece this summer to finish it off.
Starring: Danny Defoe
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
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