Free BrokeStraightBoys gay porn video
Video provided by: BrokeStraightBoys
Video description: Flint and Graham star in this most recent update. We learn Flint is a video game fan and he's never jerked off to online porn. Graham admits he has spanked the monkey when it comes to internet fornication (grin). Both lads admit to being nervous, a surprise considering how both are semi-pros here at BSB. They do promise to put on a good show. Flint is out of his clothes first, and Graham notes his speed.
Starring: Graham Brady, Flint Harris
Duration: 06:24 min
Download as: MP4 (64 MB)
Video description: Flint and Graham star in this most recent update. We learn Flint is a video game fan and he's never jerked off to online porn. Graham admits he has spanked the monkey when it comes to internet fornication (grin). Both lads admit to being nervous, a surprise considering how both are semi-pros here at BSB. They do promise to put on a good show. Flint is out of his clothes first, and Graham notes his speed.
Starring: Graham Brady, Flint Harris
Duration: 06:24 min
Download as: MP4 (64 MB)
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