Free BelAmiOnline gay porn video
Video provided by: BelAmiOnline
Video description: Both Todd and Dolph were looking a little pale from lack of sun, so George decided to send them on a holiday to fix the problem. The boys decided they wanted to go to Croatia, so we gave them a camera and asked them to film the experience so that we can share it with you. This clip was made by Dolph and Todd themselves as there was no crew along on this trip, so you will have to be forgiving a bit of the camerawork if it is not up to the normal BelAmi standard. Hope you enjoy Dolph and Todd's holiday as much as they did. Part 2 coming next weekend
Starring: Dolph Lambert, Todd Rosset
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
Video description: Both Todd and Dolph were looking a little pale from lack of sun, so George decided to send them on a holiday to fix the problem. The boys decided they wanted to go to Croatia, so we gave them a camera and asked them to film the experience so that we can share it with you. This clip was made by Dolph and Todd themselves as there was no crew along on this trip, so you will have to be forgiving a bit of the camerawork if it is not up to the normal BelAmi standard. Hope you enjoy Dolph and Todd's holiday as much as they did. Part 2 coming next weekend
Starring: Dolph Lambert, Todd Rosset
Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)
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